A Year in Review
“Perhaps that is where our choice lies- in determining how we will meet the inevitable end of things, and how we will greet each new beginning”
-Elena K Arnold
There is always something bitter-sweet about New Year’s Eve. Some people see it as a reminder of all the things that they weren’t able to achieve or live up to, while others see it as a time to reflect on everything they conquered in the past 365 days.
Normally, second to Valentine’s Day, New Year’s Eve is not my favorite day of the year. I find endings difficult, and with endings come change… something else that I am not a fan of.
The truth is, is that even though we are living through a global pandemic, even though there were times during this year that I was beyond angry at the world….
I loved Twenty Twenty-One.
Twenty Twenty-One was a great year for me personally. I felt like I was on a roller coaster that was only going up.
To give you some perspective this is
Twenty Twenty-One in numbers
Highlights of the Year 2021
I graduated from University and became a Nurse
It only took me four and a half years but I finally graduated from St.FX University in May of 2021. I never knew that after all the years I would love my job this much.
2. Camp White Pine
I went out of my comfort zone and moved to Camp White Pine to work as a nurse during the summer of 2021. It was the highlight of my year- meeting so many new people and disconnecting from the world.
3. Moved to Halifax and found my people
In March/April of 2021, I met two new friends (now roommates). I didn’t realize it then, but after moving into a new apartment with three of the most amazing people on the planet, I had met my soul family, my soulmates, and the BEST FRIENDS I could ever imagine. Living with Jer, Annie and Nicole is easily the best part of my 2021.

4. Started my dream nursing job in NICU
5. I wrote a song… then a couple more
6. I passed my god damn NCLEX
7. I learned to sail
When I think of this year, I’ll think of sailing with my dad at my cottage, flipping the sailboat and laughing so hard as I climbed back on. I’ll also think of sailing at sunset with Harry, while he sat on the front of the boat and we just laughed and talked during golden hour- letting me learn to sail because he knew I could do it on my own.
8. I found the courage to sing in front of people
If you know me and my history with singing I’ve always thought I was cursed. But this summer, thanks to my newfound family (Rachel, Emily and Kristina) I found the courage to sing, and not just alone to myself but with people who aren’t my parents listening.
9. I dyed my hair red
I have wanted to dye my hair red for YEARS. So I did. And I love it.
(10 minute version)
On November 12, 2021, Taylor Swift released her version of her RED album- all 32 songs, including the 10-minute version of All Too Well. This song has always been my favourite song and I waited over TEN YEARS to hear this version of the song. It is everything and more- I listen to it easily every single day. I owe part of who I am to Taylor Swift, her lyrics and her ability to connect with people is a gift. Listening to this album with my roommates, in our RED Scarves, drinking our RED wine and with my parents was a night I will cherish forever.
Lowlights of the Year
The pandemic, which caused a lot of burdens on me not being able to see my family and also on the health of the people I love
Writing NCLEX- an overly stressful nursing exam (a future post to come)
Now… Onto 2022!
Something that I learned and really put into practice during 2021 was setting intentions. Not only setting intentions but setting them in a positive space, with positive thoughts and in a way that you are your highest self.
I begin almost every day with setting intentions for my day, which can be as simple as “Today, I’m going to learn something new” or , “today I’m going to say hello to someone new.” I choose to set intentions to allow to universe to bring forth positive experience and change into my life.
Today begins a new year. A new year of trying things I never have before. A new year of memories to be made, laughs to have, adventures to go on and probably tears to shed.
I hope that this year is full of learning, growth and seeking discomfort. My intentions for this year are positivity, kindness, friendship and courage.
To have the courage to do what I love and to be fearless through it all.
With that being said, I do have resolutions for the year, as many people do. Now, not everyone likes to set intentions but I always have and always will. I like having goals- that’s just the type of person I am. Therefore my resolutions are as followed:
Resolutions for 2022
Learn to be better with my money!
Love our planet and do it justice
Exercise and stay healthy
Record my songs and have them out for the world to hear
Seek discomfort
Open minded and new relationships, whatever they may be
Check two things off my bucket list
Continue to improve on guitar
Start our podcast - PopcornTalk
Read more
Take the time to reach out to friends that are far away
This post was really more for me and for closure after the end of an amazing year.
But if you did read this, thank you and I’m manifesting a great New Year for you, wherever you are.
Xo- blondeBEHAVIOR
(I know I’m red now, but blonde at heart)