I don’t really know where to start…
People always say that “it goes by so fast”. It’s one of those phrases that you never really listen to until you’re at the end of a chapter in your life, and you realize how right they were, and how if you knew what you know now, you’d give anything to live it all over again.
That’s how I feel now.
Five years later …
I never could have predicted in my wildest dreams my university experience.
Today, I graduated university. I actually finished my undergraduate degree.
I’m a university graduate- it sounds so crazy to say.
But I am.

I guess, after all this time…I thought I would start by going back to the beginning.
September 3, 2016
Psst Quinn. Quinn? You’re probably asleep… anyways, I know that you probably won’t remember any of this in the morning but I just needed to say Congratulations. You don’t know this yet, but today you graduated from university. You actually finished! You have a freaking degree, and not just any degree- a Bachelor of Science in Nursing with Distinction!
I know that you’re just starting this journey and I don’t want to spoil too much of it for you, but I wanted to give you a bit of a sneak peek at what your next four… sorry five, years are going to look like.
I know, I know, five years was never the plan. But TRUST ME, it is for the best. Because really, when your last days in this beautiful town come around, you’re going to be wishing for ten more years, one extra one won’t seem so bad.
Time is going to fly by quicker than you think it will.
Now, this year… it’s not going to be easy. I know that you think you’ve found some friends already, but they aren’t your people- which is okay, you will meet your people… just give it another year.
Except for Erin, and Jonas, stay close to them. They will make you laugh when you are sad and bring you food when you’re too tired or stuck in your room studying. Erin will always be there to lift you up. She has a kind soul and you will both need each other to get through the next few years. She’s a keeper.
At the end of the year, you aren’t going to want to come back to StFX- but you have to. Okay, just make a mental note, because everything happens for a reason and I am telling you, it will all be worth it.
Oh, why are you dropping out? I don’t want to give too much away… but let’s blame statistics.
Second-year (which let’s be honest really is first year 2.0) you are going to meet the most amazing people. You will have a whole new outlook on the town, of the university, and of StFX and it will open your shell, bringing positive energy and positive experiences toward you.
You’re going to meet some girls- Olivia, Camryn, Zandie, and Grace (P).
You don’t know this yet, but these girls are going to become your best friends, your roommates, and your family.

These are the girls that you will stay up late at night studying with. They’re the ones that you will sing and dance with while cleaning the kitchen. They’re the ones that you can rant to for hours on end, and who will always ALWAYS have your back. They will be your heroes, your biggest fans at every competition, your shoulder to cry on and the reason that you wake up with a smile on your face in the morning.
Leaving them in second year will break your heart, but you will see them sooner than you think.
Third-year will be another whirlwind. You’re going to be on a cheerleading team and you’re going to live in your very first house with a group of girls who will teach you a lot about friendship and forgiveness. You’re going to meet so many people on OCrew (yeah, you’re going to be one of those screaming in PINK people), on cheer, through work and in Nursing. You’re going to have late-night movie nights with your roommates and wild parties with friends, strangers and celebrities. You’re going to learn about Yes Theory- this is a big one, they’re going to change how you see the world and to step outside of your comfort zone.

Third year will be a really fun year, full of life and energy and joy. But even though it is going to be so beautiful and exciting, the best is still yet to come.
I know it might not seem that way when fourth year comes around, but remember how I said everything happens for a reason? Well… you’re going to feel a lot of heartbreak, a lot of shame, a lot of guilt and a lot of sadness. And it is in those times of heartache when you really learn who you can lean on, who will love you judgment-free, who will lift you up, take you in and hold you close. Remember those girls I mentioned before, from second year? They are going to rescue you in ways you can’t even begin to imagine.
They are going to take you in and become your family. You’re going to move into 35.5 St.Mary’s with them (yes, thirty-five POINT five) and you’re going to meet Jules.
Along with the other girls, Jules is going to be the fresh air that you need- it’s like you’re drowning, and they save you. This house- this is where you are meant to be.
These are the people that you are meant to be surrounded by.
They will teach you love, friendship, loyalty, laughter, adventure, sacrifice, communication and how to breathe again.
35.5 will be a place where everyone is welcome. It will see hilarious late night girl talks and lazy Sunday morning brunches- decked out with all the fixings. It will be a place where the music is loud and the laughter is louder. It’s where we will have to listen to Gracey P’s alarm twenty times before an 8:15 as she races out the door to class at 8:10. It will be the home to Livvy’s snuggles and gluten free food heaven. 35.5 will hear Zandie awake at 2am, just because she’s the night owl. Or where everyone will ask Jules for advice, fashion wise or life in general. It will be filled with photographs from Two-Years Eves, Halloweens, Road-Trips, wild Friday nights, Honda pants, and rowdy OCrew weeks.
By Fifth Year, you will have even more people in your life to count on. You’ll have Jer, Agnes, Mia, Bex, Grace Daddy, Bes, Marc, Benny, Katelyn, Emily…
THE LIST IS ENDLESS. But, by this time, you will be surrounded by people that accept you, and love you and that bring out the best in yourself. You will make the most of every moment together… despite what the world might have planned. (I’m not going to go there because you probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you). It won’t be the finale that you thought it would be, but the time that you do have with them is priceless.
Cherish every single second of it.
You have five years ahead of you, it’s going to be hard, I never said it would be easy. It’s going to be freaking stressful. You’re going to want to quit… a lot. You’ll come close, but you never will.
You will see the joy.
You’ll see it in the weekly swim team practices, or in the Friday night Townhouse dinners with the roomies. It’s in the Inn, on wing nights, singing Nickleback with strangers and dancing the OCrew flashmob, while half the people look at you like you’re crazy. If you look close enough, you’ll find it in clinical, when you realize you’ve chosen the right career, that you will be a great nurse one day and that anyone that said otherwise- is wrong, because it’s your passion. Caring is who you are. You’ll see the joy when you take a bite of that waffle bus waffle to cure your hangover, or when you walk the landing as the sun sets and everything is quiet. You’ll see it when you make a connection with a first-year on OCrew, or when you lose your voice from cheering so loud or are drenched in sweat from headphone disco.
The joy will be everywhere you look, so never stop looking.
And smile, because you’re at X.
You’re exactly where you need to be. This journey is going to be one that you’ll never forget. It’s going to be magical, so be present for it, take it all in while you can. Because it really goes by too fast. Remember the way it sounds when father Stan cheers at a football game. Remember how good meal hall tater-tots and turkey bacon taste when you re-live your wild Saturday nights. Never forget the stars above the bonfires at Jimtown or the freezing water during your Polar Dips. Cherish the way Jules lights up when you come home from class, and how safe you feel in your dorm room in MSB with Cam and Livvy eating popcorn and caramels.
Live in the moments that you’ll always want to remember.
This town seems so small now, but in five years, it’s going to feel like home.
Before I go, I just have to say this- I am so proud of you Quinn. I am so so proud of the person that you’ve become. Through everything you’ve been through, through all of the heartbreak, loss, pain and stress, you’ve taken the bad and chosen to see the good. You’ve chosen to learn how to do better and how to be better. You never gave up when the odds were against you. You spent hours studying, working, taking time for yourself, surrounding yourself with the right people, and now you’re the best version of yourself. I love you so much, and I am so proud of everything that you’ve accomplished in the past five years. I can’t even begin to imagine what will come next.
I wish I could take your place right now and do it all over again…
Enjoy the ride
It’s a wild one.
Today, I am a university graduate, but I did not achieve this on my own. There are many people that I need to acknowledge and give ample credit to for their help over these past five years.
Words cannot begin to describe the gratitude I have for the people in my life that have gotten me to where I am today.
To my parents
You raised me to strive for greatness and to work hard for what I believe in. You picked me up every time I fell and pushed me forward when I felt like going backward. You’ve had to learn to parent from thousands of kilometers away- which I know has not always been easy. On the days I’d call home crying or the times when you felt helpless, just knowing that you would be there for me, has always been more than enough. I would not be where I am today without you. I owe you my everything. You have supported me when I dropped out, when I decided to come back, and through every misstep along the way. You’ve both been my North Star, guiding me and keeping me on track. You have sacrificed more than you should have to give me an opportunity at an education, at friendship, at independence and at personal growth and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have driven from Ottawa to Antigonish more times than I can count, you’ve quarantined to celebrate my successes, you’ve sent packages and letters and you’ve answered my FaceTimes every day- Every Single Day. I am a university graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing because of my parents- Rhonda and Dean. Thank you for your love, wisdom, laughter and support over the past five years. I couldn’t have done any of it without you.
Thank you to my family
Aunt Chrissy & Uncle Baboo for being so loving, supportive and kind. You both mean the world to me, you’ve been my biggest cheerleaders from day 1 and I love you more than words can describe. As well as, Liam, Rabbit, Suzanne, Karen, Brian, Aneeka and Bleadon, thank you for your love, support, wisdom and for always being there to come home to <3
To My Friends
They say you meet your friends for a lifetime in university. And they are right.
I met my best friends in this small town. They’ve become my family. They’re my people. I am so lucky to have met all of the incredible human beings that I have in the past five years. From fast friends on OCrew, to my go-to classmates to my best friends and roommates. I couldn’t have gotten through any of the past years without you (you know who you are). You’ve become my biggest supporters, my confidant, my safety nets, my greatest loves, and I thank you for every single second I’ve gotten to spend with you. I take none of it for granted.
Having you in my life is the greatest gift I have ever been given- I hope you know I am so proud of you all and I will always be here for you- ALWAYS.
To my Teachers
I want to thank the teachers that got me to where I am today, that taught me lessons beyond the textbook or the school curriculum, but in life.
I try not to choose favourites- but you are my favourite teacher. You were the first teacher that ever showed me what a cue card was haha that definitely came in handy ;) You were also the first teacher that took the time to care about my learning and about me as a student and a human being. I never felt “below” you, I always felt like your equal (even if I was 12). You knew how to make learning engaging and interesting and you made me believe that I was capable of being a great student, a hard worker and that I could one day go to university. You made me believe that my dreams were achievable.
Mr. Amadio
You were my grade twelve religion teacher, but you taught me more than catholicism- you taught me truth and power and resilience. You asked our class on the first day “what’s your chicken fried?” And then proceeded to play the entire music video for Chicken Fried… You also asked us to say something that we thought was “true”…Do you remember what I said? I said, “The person that you are today does not have to be the person that you are tomorrow- or the rest of your life. You have a choice.” I still believe that truth and I am so happy that I am not the person I was in grade twelve. You also taught me about care, generosity and you gave me opportunities to shine. Thank you.
Mrs. Snyder
You inspired me to learn and you taught me how to trust. You showed up to class every day believing in every single one of your students. You gave all of us the tools to succeed and you helped us achieve success in any way possible.
June Daviau
June, you will forever be the best Nursing Instructor/Teacher that I ever had. You made me enjoy Nursing. You made me smile and feel confident in myself. You made me feel reassured that I chose the right career, every day that I came to your class. You have the biggest heart and you bring light to everyone that you meet. Having a teacher like you made all the difference. I could have never graduated without you. I think I speak for all of the 2021 StFX nursing graduates when I say Thank You for your beautiful, kind, giving, intelligent and caring soul.
My Fourth Year Preceptors Sam & Carley
Thank you for teaching me, for taking me under your wing and giving me the opportunity to grow as a nurse. Thank you for making me feel supported when I came to my shifts and for taking the time to really TEACH me. You were both the first preceptors that I had that made me feel encouraged and capable. I was so lucky to have been able to learn under both of you. You taught me more than how to start an IV, or do an assessment, you taught me teamwork, caring, leadership, positivity, laughter and how to believe in myself. I will take all the lessons that you’ve taught me and put them into practice (along with all my evidence based knowledge too :p) in the hopes of one day being half as good of a nurse as you both are.
As my final thank you… I’d like to thank St.Francis Xavier University.
You are more than a premier undergraduate experience (as Ty would say), you’ve become a place that I can come to call home. I chose this school because I wanted to be a part of a community with spirit and pride- and that is exactly what I got, ten folds. You have fostered my learning as a student and have prepared me to enter the world, however crazy it might be right now, as a graduate nurse. You welcomed me with open arms into the Xaverian family. I will wear my gold X Ring with pride every single day, and I will remember how blessed I am to have attended this university. St.FX has a piece of my heart forever, there is no place like it in the world. It is this oasis, full of familiar faces and memories. All roads lead to the Inn, to the X and to the Nish. As of today, I am a proud St.FX Alumni.