We Ate Champagne Gelato
15.05.18 - 19.05.18
The Lizzie Mcguire movie could never have prepared me for the breath-taking city of Rome. The cobble stone streets were filled with history and beauty. Live music and buskers could be heard around every corner, along with the conversations of families and friends enjoying the sun on a patio in the afternoon. The buildings were worn with stories and tales of love and war; some stood tall and colourful, while others crumbled and left only remains. Of all of the places we visited, Rome was the best.
Stop and smell the flowers
Our hostel in Rome was small, but had great access to the city centre and free wine ( always a bonus ). We would walk from our hostel into the city rather than paying for a bus, which was way over priced and not worth the hassle. Walking along the little streets allowed us to take our time and stop into shops and cafes, take pictures and admire the beauty.
he food in Italy was indescribable. I thought I had tasted pizza and pasta before, but after Rome, it was never the same. Everything was made fresh and was so flavourful and surprisingly affordable. Sydney and I stopped into a gelato shop that had over 150 flavours, and ate gelato every single day. It was heaven. A meal I will never forget was a pasta dish that I had at a restaurant that our tour guide recommended to us. The restaurant was tiny, I mean small- Harry Potter’s room would be spacious compared to this restaurant. But we squeezed into a small table at the front of the restaurant and I ordered a pasta dish for 8 euros. It was AMAZING. It was huge and filling and by far the richest pasta I have ever tasted- mind you I’m gluten free so it was hard on my body to eat, but so freaking worth it. It was one of the best things I’ve eaten in my entire life. We drank wine and enjoyed all the flavours of Italy, until our stomachs were full to the top.
Highlights from Rome…
i. Walking Tour:
Once again, Sydney and I found a free walking tour by New Europe Tours that we took on our first day in Rome. It was super helpful, since I didn’t know a lot about Roman history and our tour guide was very informative and kind- he showed us the gelato place and the restaurant with the pasta of my dreams so he got 5/5 in my books. The walking tour is always a great idea because it gives you a lay of the land and it helps you learn about the history and culture of wherever you are.
ii. The Vatican
Now, I am in no way religious, but even I wanted to see the Vatican. We booked our tickets the night before, online, for around 30 euros. The tickets gave us access into the Vatican and that was it. If I could do it again, I would have booked a guided tour, since I spent most of my time walking around looking at statues wondering why the hell they were important- but that is just me. Even without the guided tour, I was able to appreciate and admire a lot of the artifacts, art, statues, and exhibits within the Vatican. It was huge! The entire building seemed endless, but it was mesmerizing. Overall, I do think it is something worth seeing at some point in your life if the opportunity presents itself- but I regret spending that much money on the catholic church.
Vatican City
iii. Shopping
The shopping in Rome was amazing! It had everything from well-known brands to adorable little boutiques. Everything was authentic and well made. I bought the majority of my clothes/souvenirs in Rome because everything was well priced and the variety was fantastic! If you visit Rome, take the an afternoon to poke around, you’ll be sure to find some great things!
iv. The Colosseum/Roman Forum
I don’t think you can really say you went to Rome if you didn’t go to the Colosseum. Sydney and I bought our tickets the day of, outside of the Colosseum from a tour guide company. It was 30 euros to get tickets to both the Colosseum and Roman Forum with a tour guide. Our tour started at the gladiator entrance, and we were able to have free time as well as a guide to tell us about the history. IT WAS AMAZING- I learned so much about the Colosseum and its history. I can only imagine what it looked like in its original state. Then we went on to the Roman Forum, which is equally as impressive and well preserved. My photos of the Roman Forum don’t do it justice- it is a beauty that can only truly be appreciated in person.
Inside the Colosseum
v. The Night Life
As beautiful as Rome was during the day, it was stunning at night. Most of the historical buildings have lights shining on them at night, which highlights them perfectly. The streets are flooded with people and music and everything feels alive. Sydney and I would walk around with our gelato and admire the city in all its beauty. It is an experience well worth staying up for.
Links to excursions:
Vlog of our Rome Romance